写个代码在这里吧,based on wiki。
主要思路是:S开始match的位置sb和已经match的位数w,如果匹配就w++,如果不匹配,sb移动到next(sb) = sb + w - T[w], 此时前T[w]位已经匹配了,因此从w = T[w]位开始考察匹配。
//set up help array to find next j, assume that W.length() >=2. T[i] = the max length of equal pre-/suf- substring from W[0]->W[i-1](the first i digits).
void prefun(string W, int &T[]){
T[0] = -1; T[1] = 0;
int ind = 0, i = 2;
while( i < W.length()){
if(W[i-1] == W[ind]) {
T[i] = ind + 1; ind++; i++;
else if(ind > 0) ind = T[ind];
else {T[i] = 0; i++;}
//KMP search algorithm, I will write only the case W.length()>1.
int kmp_search(string S, string W) {
int[] T = new int[W.length()];
int sb = 0, w = 0; //sb is the begining of match in S, w is the cur matching pos of w.
while(sb + w < S.length() ){
if(S[sb+w] == W[w]) {
if(w == W.length() - 1) return sb;
else w++;
else {
sb = sb + w - T[w];
if(T[w] == -1) w = 0;
else w = T[w];
return S.length();